Mattia Marinolli - Freelance Photographer

Rejhana, 21 years old, is on her third year of studies in Art Department at State University in Novi Pazar, she was a succesful tennis palyer, but an injury stopped her carrier.

“I quite hope I will go somewhere else to live. I would like to attend postgraduate studies somewhere in Europe and try to stay there. I think is not much perspective for people who are keen on art in our country, especially our city. Before I started studying art, I had played tennis professionally for twelve years and then I stopped because of an injury. Afterwards I signed in my studying department. I have found myself deeply in it. Above all, I would like to devote myself to travels and meeting world and its gifts.
I can see myself as a painter in the future, for example in five years, not in Serbia, but in some European country, having individual exhibitions and permanent job.
Eventhough I think we are quite far from EU. Serbia is far from it by its mentality, attitudes, content. We hope it will change in the future and hope in the entrance to EU.”